The Alicia Boparai Foundation
The Alicia Boparai Foundation
"A beautiful person inside and out"
At the age of 20, Alicia underwent her first operation in September 2011 for a routine removal of an ovarian cyst. Due to complications during the procedure, one of Alicia's ovaries also had to be removed.
In Februrary 2012, Alicia was admitted to hospital where she underwent surgery to remove a 16cm tumour in her abdomen. Alicia was officially diagnosed with a very rare form of ovarian cancer. Sertoli Leydig Cell. After her operation, she recieved 3 months of intensive chemotherapy. At the time of diagnosis, Alicia was an enthustastic and dedicated physiotherapy student at Northumbria University. She also was a vibrant and bubbly character who loved life, living each moment to the fullest.
In June 2012, Alicia was told the delightful news she was all clear. With the world at her feet, Alicia returned with full force to enjoy her life. She continually entertained all that were fortunate to cross her path with her charasmatic personality.
On return from a holiday to Portugal, Alicia had to undergo her third operation to remove further tumours from within her abdomen. The complexity of the disease unfortunately resulted in Alicia undergoing a hysterectomy at the young age of 21. Following this, she recieved a 6 week course of radiotherapy. Despite the devastating knowledge she could not have children, Alicia remained extremely positive and took everything in her stride. She continued to be the rock that carried everyone else through her journey.
Following a scan in January 2013, Alicia was given the upsetting news that the disease has metasized to the liver. She endured a gruelling 8 hour operation to remove further tumours, which once again, was to be followed by chemotherapy. The complications following the operation were vast and major. Sadly after a four month stay in hospital, Alicia tragically lost her tenacious battle with cancer on 9th June 2013. She was 22 years old. In honour of her passion, the family have set up a charitable fund in Alicias name.
Statistically, 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer at some stage in their lives. It is sadly a cruel disease which destroys lives of not only the person affected, but also their family and friends.
Alicia was a courageous star who valued the importance of life. Her fun, kind and caring personality meant children were in the centre of Alicias heart, just as she was in the centre of theirs. Inspired by her love for children, her family and friends continue to raise funds in her honour to make a change to a childs life, and bring a smile to their face.