The Alicia Boparai Foundation
The Alicia Boparai Foundation
"A beautiful person inside and out"
The Alicia Boparai Foundation
We are pleased to tell you that THE ALICIA BOPARAI FOUNDATION has achieved charitable status and has been entered onto the Register of Charities with the Registered Charity Number 1155050.
Now we are official we have many ideas for growth. Please be part of our vision and united we will achieve our goal.
Every year more and more children and young people in the UK are being diagnosed with cancer and they need help - your help. Sadly cancer still kills more children and young people in the UK than any other disease. That's why we are asking you to get involved. Together we can make it possible for some of these children and their families make the most of the precious time they have together.
If you would like to help personally, that would be fantastic. If your business could help with a fundraising event or nominate us as your Charity of the Year, that would be brilliant.
Please join us today - together we can, and will make a difference to these young lives no matter how short.